Jesus is Lord!Jesus Christ is the only hope for our generation; not only ours, but for every generation past and every generation to come. At Central City we believe in the call to
"Raise up Christ followers to know, love and serve God." This mission comes from the understanding that knowledge of God, and of Christ Sacrifice for our sins, is the only means by which one can choose to be saved. We believe this knowledge comes in two ways. First, we believe that God can, and does, speak to people through prayer. Prayer connects us to God and reveals God to us. Second, we unashamedly teach the Bible. We preach it in our worship service, we teach it in our Sunday schools and in our small groups. We want every person to know who God is and the loving grace he has in store for us. Our mission also prompts us to raise Christ followers to Love God. We were created with relationship in mind; not only relationship with mankind, but relationship with God. Our knoweldge of God and of His grace leads us to love Him more and more, and thus we gather every week to Worship the ONE who is worthy of honor and praise. Finally, our mission prompts us to serve God. Our service to God can look many different ways, but we beleive service to God is practice partly by our serivce to the Church. We believe in an every member ministry in which every memeber gives of their time, their talent, and their tith to the Church. We believe this so strongly in the mission of raising Christ Followers that we dedicate a full 20% of annual budget to supporting missions all over the world who share in our goal of leading people to Christ and raising others to know love and serve God. |
The Bible is the inspired Word of God, and it is our authority and guide for life. It is the authoritative rule of our faith and practice for Christians and the Church. (2 Timothy 3:16, John 17:17) Jesus instituted a new covenant with God that succeeded and transcended His former covenant with the people of Israel; hence we accept the Old Testament as preparatory to the New and we rejoice that we are related to God through the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ and not through the Law. (Romans 6:14; Hebrews 9:15) WHO IS JESUS? Jesus Christ is the one and only living Son of God and our Savior. Through Him, God opened the way of abundant eternal life through His death, burial, and resurrection to all who call on Christ’s name. (John 3:16; John 14:6; Acts 4:12; Romans 10:13) OBEDIENCE IS NECCESARY FOR SALVATION The Bible teaches that it is by grace we have been saved, not by works, so that no man can boast (Ephesians 2:8-9). While this is true, we also see Jesus referred to throughout the scriptures as our LORD and Savior. To make Jesus our Lord is to surrender our will to Him. While all Christians will fail and fall, those who love God will seek to live a life free from sin. WHAT ABOUT BAPTISM? Baptism is our first obedient act to in our surrender to Jesus Christ. Baptism is how we say yes to Jesus. The practice of being baptized follows our repentance and belief in Jesus and is for the remission of sins and gives us the gift of the Holy Spirit WHO IS THE HOLY SPIRIT? The Holy Spirit is the third member of the Triune God, along with God the Father and Jesus the Son. The Holy Spirit is God dwelling in us and is the helper we receive upon baptism into the faith. CHRIST'S RETURN We believe Jesus came once to save us from our sins, and He will return again to deliver us to himself. At the time of His return, He will judge the living and the dead, defeat Satan, and create a new heaven and earth for his people to dwell within. THE CHRISTIAN WALK We believe all Christians should grow in their faith throughout their life. This growth leads the believer to worship regularly, to serve the Kingdom, to study of the Word and to share the Gospel with others. |
Our Mission
Know God |
Love God |
Serve God |